Friday, February 22, 2008

Breaks are amazing I've definitely come to the conclusion that week long breaks every month are completely necessary. I mean this whole break, I haven't done any school work....yet?! It's annoying to know you have to do it eventually, but not having to worry about any tests or anything is glorious. And staying out real late and waking up at 12 pm everyday...what's better than that? Probably nothing. :) So I think that going to school for 3 enough for everyone...with a couple snowdays here and there. ;)


Alyssa said...

I couldn't agree more! Especially as a senior where most of us are sick of school anyways, these week breaks are a must lol. Right now they are what is getting me through..only in May thare are no breaks.yikes!

MemphisKell said...

Don't tell anybody, but I like the on 3 off 1 plan too!