Monday, March 3, 2008


There are so many good and bad things about high school. Drama. Oh my...highschool is FILLED with drama, it's rediculous. Last week, I literally heard about at least 5 different cases of drama within 2 days. And it's over the dumbest things, well usually. It's usually over which girl is being a backstabbing bitch to another one. I hate drama. I think it's so entertaining, but when you're involved it's such a pain! Luckily my group of friends never have drama, but some groups revolve their life around it, it's nuts! One good thing about highschool...friends, obviously. I love my friends. I don't know what I'd do without them. I love going out and having fun, that's what highschool is all about, having fun :). I feel so bad for those people who have no friends and eat lunch alone, that's so sad. I'd never be able to do that. Another bad thing....cellphones. Why do teachers care so much if a student has a cellphone? If you're texting in class, you're most likely not disturbing anyone around you or even the teacher for that matter. So what they see you look down a couple times, who cares? People can multi-task and text and listen at the same time. And for those who can't, that's their fault. They shouldn't get their phone taken away for that. Another good thing about high school is sports. 90% of the people who play sports in highschool, won't play them in college. When you're on a sports team, you get so close to your teammates, I mean you're spending 3-4 months with them, everyday. And the bus rides to the away games, those are always fun! A bad thing about highschool, cranky teachers! I've had some teachers who basically hate their job and kids. Why be a teacher if you love yelling at kids for no reason? Hmmmm...and the librarians. Wow....they need an attitude makeover! I mean overall, highschool has been great...minus all the work :).

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I've come to the realization that I am not a creative person. Honestly. I've looked at some of your blogs, how do you come up with these things?! I could sit here for an hour and try to think of something to write and probably couldn't. I know blogging is supposed to be simple, but everyone knows that a blondes mind is not simple. Haha. Maybe when I was a little kid, I didn't have a good enough imagination. I had an imaginary friend (I know you all did don't even say you didn't), but that's about it. Then my imagination drifted away from then on. So props to all you who can think of brillant things to write, while I struggle!

Friday, February 29, 2008


I just have one thing to say....why did it have to snow on a friday? I mean honestly....and if you think about it...there's like no plows out there. They only come when they want to kill us with anger of having to go to school. Thank you you dumb plowmen. And're so annoying.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Drunk Dialing vs Drunk Texting

Ok so...we had to find a blog and write about it or whatever, well here's one I found. It's about drunk dialing and drunk texting. I mean it's not descriptive but apparently this kid was amazed, I don't know. My intake on this subject...hhmmm. I think drunk dialing is hilarious. I mean I've gotten plenty of those, and I know 99% of people reading this have. And when people are drunk, they tend to tell you hilarious things. Like they will tell you how much they want you or something, just because they are drunk. Or they will confess their undying love for you and feel SO embarassed about it the next day. The only downgrade to drunk dialing is when I'm sleeping and I'll get a call at 3 AM. And my vibrate is extremely loud when it's on my nightstand or right next to me, so it's going to wake me up. I honestly think being drunk gives people the ability to say things that they would never say to someone. Could be good or bad. Drunk texting...hahahaha. It's funny when you get a text and you completely have NO clue what the person was trying to say. You are completely clueless because this is what their message will read "oheawugk awegih". What the heck?! Hahahaha. Well....I think drunk dialing/texting is fun slash funny. So yep that's basically my intake on that one.


I'm going to write about Teeth today. For various reasons. I decided to voice my opinion on teeth because...well I was brushing my teeth a little bit ago and was like hmmm. Teeth to me are one of the most important features on a person. As most of you will probably know, I'm obsessed with teeth. Like if you're a guy, and you don't have good teeth, I'm most likely not going to even acknowledge dating you. Teeth/a person's smile is the first thing I look at. I hate the kinds of people who have yellow teeth. It's seriously disgusting. I mean, go out and buy some crest white strips or something...and get the premium kind since ya need it! But honestly....I brush my teeth so much. I'm told I have extremely white teeth, and I have a good reason why, because I actually care about my teeth! I mean, those people who have discolored teeth AND crooked teeth...oh my god. I know some people can't afford braces, I totally understand that....but if you can, GET BRACES. Or even those people who are missing 4 teeth and are like 20...venirs people, venirs. Do people actually think that having messed up teeth is attractive? I hope not. I mean I'm not going to say I've never had a cavitiy in my life, because I have but some people have had freaking 10 root canals and they are like young. And it's not because they did something to their tooth like chip it, I'm talking about the people who don't brush their damn teeth. Go out to the store, buy a toothbrush and toothpaste and use it! And bad breath. I can't stand people who have bad breath. I mean everyone can't chew gum 24/7 but like ew. It's just nasty. Anyways that's basically my fetish with teeth!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

UE is dumb!

So we get let out because of the snow today right. But here's the thing...why the heck did we get let out at 2:10? 2:10! What is one hour going to do? Every other school around us got let out between 11:30 and 12:00. How dumb can UE be? Honestly. Last time we got let out this time and the roads sucked. What is with this 2:10 bullshit? That is so dumb! The point of an early dismissal is to let kids go before the roads get bad. Not during. Wow does every person in our school NEED lunch? No, go home and make it. We surely don't need UE's processed cafeteria food. And yeah Main Street might not have been that bad, but all the side roads many students live on Main Street? I probably know one. I mean I live up near Maine Endwell, they got out at 11:30 and the streets around me were horrible! And by the time we all get home it's what 2:30? Wow, one more period to go...what is the difference? Just let us out at 11:30 like most normal schools do these days.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Moment of Truth

Ok so...I was just watching this show called "The Moment of Truth". It's a game show that consists of 21 questions and you obviously have to tell the truth. If you answer a certain amount of questions truthfully, you win money. If you mess up one question, you lose everything. Let me tell you, that is one sucky show. I mean I like it alot, but if you're in that position to answer all those questions, some of them can possible destory your relationships with people. Like tonight, this one girl was up there who was married. Her ex-boyfriend made an appearance and had to ask her a question. The question was "Do you believe I'm the one you should be married to". What the heck do you say to that infront of your husband?! Honestly, if that was me, I'd be so scared. Yes, the truth is good, but honestly....would your husband want to know if you were truely in love with someone else? Probably not. And the girl's answer was yes! Seriously, that sucks to be in the husbands position. I mean that right there could destory that marriage. Another question was "Have you ever had sexual relations with someone else while you were married to your husband?" Holy crap, personal?! I mean yeah we call that cheating, but would you seriously have enough guts to go up to your signifcant other and say...oh by the way, I've cheated on you....probably not. And on National TV?! That totally sucks. And she also answered yes. Talk about embarassing slash good luck with the rest of your marriage cause that totally sucks for her. But regardless, I mean the show is good because who wouldn't want to know that stuff? But if I was in that position and got asked a question like that and it was actually true...I wouldn't know what to do!